Eligible Serial Numbers:
C-180 32151 Thru 32999
C-180 50001 Thru 50105
C-182 33000 Thru 34753
NOTE: This muffler Exhausts out the Pilot Side of the Aircraft. It has 2 chambers and uses air directly into the muffler via 2 scoops on the front of the cowling. When converting to the larger diameter exhaust VIA STC SA00780NY. The shroud must be ordered either as a RH exhausting Sky Dive shroud or a hole in the Co-Pilot side cowling must be made. This hole is made via 337, or DWG BN180-310.
It is Strongly Recommended that STC SA00780NY Exhaust Kit be installed if more than one component is to be replaced in the exhaust or if the aircraft is going to receive a engine performance upgrade in the future.
If aircraft is SK180-24 Compliant, Muffler must be Special Ordered.