Eligible Serial Numbers(Stock):
18253559 - 18255059 (VIA SA00780NY KIT)
18255059 - 18256684 (STOCK INSTALL)
18255685 - 18257608 (SEE NOTES)
18257609 - 18260445 (STOCK INSTALL)
NOTES: This shroud draws Cabin Heat air from the 0750128-20 Co-Pilot Engine Baffle. Both the Inlet and outlet are on the aft side of the shroud.
1) Aircraft Equipped with STC SA00780NY need to cut away the area around the tailpipe per the Drawing C62A supplied with the muffler. Alternately you may order a pre-modified shroud under part number 0750161-40A.
2) Aircraft equipped with a SeaPlanes West Engine mount and STC SA00780NY need to offset the cut out from drawing C62A in a way so the hose fittings clear the engine mount tube immediately aft of the shroud.
3) Aircraft equipped with a SeaPlanes West Engine mount and a stock Cessna Muffler need to use 401-7 Exhaust Muffler Doubler Supplied with the Engine mount to relocate the tailpipe hole so the hose fittings clear the engine mount tube immediately aft of the shroud.
4) Aircraft 18255685 - 18257608 equipped with original exhaust stacks(15.25"-15.5" In length) should use Shroud 10182-049-1. Aircraft equipped with 0750238-20AWL exhaust stacks are 15" in overall length can use this shroud. Refer to Cessna SL67-37.