Eligible Serial Numbers:
180 30000 Thru 32151(VIA SA00780NY KIT & SA01664AT MOUNT)*
180 32151 Thru 32999(VIA SA00780NY KIT)
180 50001 Thru 51312(VIA SA00780NY KIT)
180H - 180K 18052274 Thru 18053203(STOCK INSTALL)
182 - 182A 33000 Thru 34999(VIA SA00780NY KIT)
182A - 182F 51001 Thru 18255058(VIA SA00780NY KIT)
182J 18256685 Thru 18257608(STOCK INSTALL)^
182J - 182R 18257609 Thru 18268586(STOCK INSTALL)
188B 18801046 Thru 18801374(STOCK INSTALL)**
NOTE: This exhaust stack is 15" Tall and has a center slip riser PN 0750238-5AWL. This exhaust stack lacks reinforcement doublers at the engine attach flanges. Installation of the correct stack is critical to clear the intake air duct on aircraft. Where the exhaust is installed VIA SA00780NY upgrade STC the entire kit must be initially replaced. On aircraft SN 18256685 thru 18257608 both exhaust stacks must be changed at initial replacement as there is a change to increase the distance between the muffler shroud and the intake duct(Refer to Cessna SL67-37).
NOTE: This exhaust stack is designed for use on the O-470 Series engines only. Using it on IO-520, IO-550 or up-rated engines by STC will reduce the service life of the exhaust stack and may cause it to crack.
*Contact Acorn Welding For Details
^See SL67-37
**See Aircraft Parts Catalogue for Limitations