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June 01, 2022

For many years to come, aircraft will remain the most remarkable wonders ever invented by humankind. About a century and some twenty years ago, flying higher than the clouds was nothing more than just a metaphor. Who would have thought humankind would one day turn this into an incredible reality? However, this far-fetched fantasy turned into humanity’s biggest accomplishment thanks to the Wright brothers and their hard work.

However, even at that point, no one would have thought in their wildest imaginations that this privilege would one day become an incredible private luxury. Today, enthusiasts with the financial means have the ability to soar the skies without having to do so in commercial passenger-carrying airplanes. Thanks to the invention of light aircraft, we can now own our own private planes and fly whenever we feel like.

As certified aviation welding technicians, we would like to emphasize the fact that this level of enjoyment requires great caution and care. Unlike a car that abruptly stops on the road when there is a technical issue and affords you an opportunity to seek safety, you will not have the same privilege when flying a plane. If it stops in mid-air, the consequences are not something anyone would want to hear about. Thus, it is absolutely essential that you take the necessary precautions before any flight.

A slight slip is all that is needed to put your life and that of your companions in danger. Thus, this blog will provide you with some valuable safety tips to ensure your well-being and that of your companions.

Safety Tips To Avoid Any Mishaps

You must have surely come across the famous ‘better late than never’ saying. However, its relevance to the topic at hand is incomparable. While roads may excuse you for being careless at times as you may be able to escape an accident narrowly, you can’t expect the same in mid-air. Thus, haste should never be an excuse for carelessness as a pilot as whatever you are in a hurry for is undoubtedly not worth more than your own life.

Therefore, it is imperative that you abide by the following safety tips:

Don’t Ignore The Basics

Flying an aircraft is not the perfect opportunity to learn using the ‘trial and error’ method. Before you embark on a flight, ensure you are fully prepared to do so. The most fundamental part of this preparation is to know your aircraft from the inside out. You might not be an aviation expert, but learning about things like the essential parts of an airplane will surely be of use. It will help you identify and pinpoint an issue in its initial stages and get it fixed.

Practise Regular Aircraft Maintenance

Like any other mechanical being, aircraft require regular maintenance to retain their efficiency. Thus, you must never ignore maintenance. You can do the basic maintenance like cleaning by yourself and leave the technical parts to a professional aviation company.

Stick To The Pre Flight Checklist

In aviation, a pilot’s attitude can be their best friend or their most brutal enemy. In this regard, the “I know what I am doing” attitude is at the top of the enemy list. Confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence can land you in unpleasant circumstances.

The pre-flight checklist was not designed so that you could toss it to the darkest drawer of the storeroom cupboard and forget about it. You must use it each time before a flight, even if you think you are a pro pilot.

Thoroughly Inspect The Plane Before Flying

No matter how expensive your aircraft is, it can malfunction at any time. Thus, make sure you thoroughly inspect every part of it before you take off. Check the fuel tank to ensure it is not leaking. Make sure the engine mount is not cracked or anything like that.

If anything seems suspicious, replace the part with Acorn Welding’s elite products.

Check Your Gear Again

Although this point falls under the previous one, its importance forced us to reemphasize it separately. If your plane uses retractable gear, it would be wise to check it several times before flying.

Use Your Brain More Than The Computer

Your brain is better than the computer. After all, it is the human brain that innovated the computer in the first place. So isn’t it a bit weird to rely on technology rather than your own brain? No matter how accurate and well-built an app is, never depend on it entirely. It may fail and leave you stranded.

Avoid Distractions

Lastly, you must avoid distractions at all costs. People will argue that the air is not filled with traffic like the roads, so it is not a big deal. But being in mid-air itself is a big deal, distractions in the air can be more detrimental than on the road.

About Acorn Welding

Boasting a rich history and outstanding commitment to quality, our company stands out as the best aviation welding technician in Canada. Learn more about Acorn Welding and our excellent aviation products. Contact us now to find the perfect solution to your unique aviation needs.