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February 04, 2021

Aviation welding experts are the real men behind an aircraft's performance. They are the ones who ensure that your plane remains flawless and in perfect flying condition. An aircraft is a complex machine that involves a great deal of magnitude. Be it speed, weight, air pressure, turbulence, weather, or any other factor - an aircraft deals with various harsh elements.

To ensure the aircraft owner and passengers remain safe during flight, aviation welding technicians put in a great effort to ensure that your aircraft is thoroughly inspected and any potential cracks or defects are repaired.

Inspection Of The Entire Aircraft

Aviation maintenance experts are responsible for carrying out a thorough and complete inspection of your entire aircraft. In ideal scenarios, this inspection is a routine before and after each flight.

Inspecting your aircraft is not something that you can do on your own. Non-specialists don't know what to look for and where to look for possible defects. Experts have vast experience, technical knowledge, and skills to do it correctly.

Predicting Defects Well Before Time

When it comes to an aircraft, it is crucial to foresee and predict what will happen in an airplane. Expert welders and maintenance staff can see and assess your metal surfaces' future behavior during inspection.

The experts' future assessment has a vital role in avoiding tragedies and further damage to your aircraft.

Aircraft Exhaust System

The most obvious defect that’s easy to notice in an aircraft is when something is wrong with your exhaust. The loud abnormal sound coming from the aircraft's exhaust is impossible to ignore. When there is a crack, warp, or bulge in the exhaust system, it may make a strange sound. This helps to draw the attention of welding professionals. They reach the spot with the help of tools, expertise, and knowledge to repair it correctly.

Let us now look into the three main types of aircraft components a welding technician deals with. This will give you an idea about when you should call your aircraft maintenance crew to come and repair or inspect your aircraft.

Engine Mounts

Being the most integral part of an aircraft, the aircraft's engine needs a perfectly stable, strong, and reliable engine mount to sit in nicely. Aircraft maintenance experts will know all the different components of your aircraft and be able to identify all its different types of defects, their causes, and the most reliable and adequate remedies for them.

Aviation welding professionals ensure no cracks or any other sort of defect in your engine mount. This is pivotal to ensure the safety of the aircraft and its passengers. Keeping the aircraft’s engine fixed correctly, and remaining firm at its designated place is the job of a perfect engine mount.

Float Kits

In the case of a seaplane, float kits also need regular inspection and a guarantee from experts that there are no cracks, leaks, or any other type of damage. Damaged float kits can pose a threat to your seaplane.

You need to ensure that your float kits are in perfect shape. This will guarantee your seaplane floats smoothly and successfully on the water. If there are any cracks in your float kits, water can enter the kit's hollow areas. This can sink the seaplane and can be disastrous. Therefore, you need welding professionals to help keep a close eye on your float kits.

Acorn Welding has been a reliable name in Edmonton for many years now. We know how to guarantee your aircraft's safety. To get in touch with us, click here.