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November 18, 2020

In an aircraft exhaust system, a muffler, as the name implies, is responsible for mitigating the engine's noise. Yet, it has an essential job besides this. The muffler prevents carbon monoxide from entering and accumulating inside the plane, potentially causing a severe health hazard for its occupants if inhaled.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas released as a by-product of burning fuel. Its colorless and odorless properties are not easily distinguishable; hence, it cannot be perceived when being inhaled until it is too late. Carbon monoxide decreases the supply of oxygen within the body, resulting in breathing difficulties, headaches, and nausea. In severe conditions, it can even cause unconsciousness or death.

Therefore, an aircraft exhaust system must have a fully operating muffler. If the pilot is affected by carbon monoxide, even the slightest disorientation or impaired judgment can put all the passengers’ lives in danger.

Importance Of Repairing A cracked Muffler

So, it is evident that a muffler is a critical component of the aircraft whose proper functioning is crucial for a smooth flight. A muffler removes carbon monoxide and serves to eliminate other exhaust gases released from the engine while protecting it from cold air. A cracked muffler can, therefore, endanger the lives of all occupants in the plane.

Rather than taking this risk and getting into an unpleasant situation, it is best to check your muffler for any flaws before a flight. A detailed professional inspection is also necessary after every few days to ensure your muffler is in good health.

An Aircraft’s Muffler Inspection

While inspecting a muffler, it is best to remove all components of the exhaust system. Use a bright flashlight to check the muffler's thin sidewalls for any wrinkles or protrusions. If these are noticed, it is a sign that your exhaust system has been metal fatigued due to extreme temperature changes or possible leakage.

Furthermore, with the help of an inspection camera, mirror and flashlight, thoroughly examine the internal structures of the muffler’s tail pipelines to identify any broken baffles. If any error is perceived, it is more suitable to get professional assistance to deal with the issue.

How Can You Prevent A Muffler From Cracking?

With a few simple steps and some care you can entirely prevent the complication of a cracked muffler. The separation between the muffler and heat shroud can prolong your muffler's life as it will not be exposed to direct heat. Further, every once in a while, thoroughly examine your mufflers for any minor or significant changes and look for potential breaks or cracks that may appear later.

Muffler inspection is not easy, and if you think you require professional assistance to ensure your mufflers are working well. Feel free to contact us at Acorn welding. We are aircraft specialists renowned for quality inspection and aircraft maintenance.

Acorn Welding

Acorn welding is your go-to specialist for all your aircraft problems! Our expertise lies in vintage aircraft maintenance and drafting services. Our team of experts is well equipped to deal with issues related to your plane.

We are also your "One Stop Shop" for specialized products like aircraft exhausts, engine mounts, air boxes, fuel tanks, hardware, raw materials, and product designs.

For more information on vintage aircrafts, their maintenance, and repair, visit our website or contact us today at 1 888-388-8803.