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September 30, 2021

Aircraft exhaust systems are much more complex than a car exhaust system. A car's exhaust system aims to clean the air and flush out harmful gases from the engine. Whereas an aircraft exhaust system serves more than that, its operation is quite complex in this regard. Its tasks involve supplying chain and carburetor heat. Moreover, aircraft exhaust systems are more prone to extreme temperatures, heat, and cold; regular inspection and care are necessary to ensure they are able to work properly.

Exhaust system failure has caused numerous accidents in the past and so, figuring out the problem and its solution is necessary. This blog post mentions the most common problems with aircraft exhaust systems and how you can fix them.

Damages In The Muffler

Damage to the muffler can lead to the escape of exhaust gas into the cabin. It might be due to damage or a leak in the muffler or heat exchanger. The metal becomes exposed to fatigue over time, and bulges and irregularities on the surface of the muffler is a sign of exhaust system damage.

Even if the surface is pristine looking, it doesn't mean that it is not damaged from the inside. Therefore, you must hire an aviation professional to assist you in inspecting your aircrafts exhaust system. So, if there is any problem, they can direct you on what to do next. Your mechanic will remove all the carbon deposits off the base of the metal to prevent further infection.

Loose Baffles And Cones

Another problem is loose baffles and cones. This leads to partial or full engine power loss. This can cause damage to the engine leading to engine failure. If the internal components are loose within the muffler and move around during subsequent flights, it will intermittently stop the airflow, increasing the engine's temperature.

Misaligned Stacks

Misaligned stacks are another common problem in exhaust systems. It leads to cracks appearing on the system. This usually occurs due to a damaged part or an unprofessional repair done in the past. When the repairs are not done in a controlled environment or the mechanic does not not use the right inert gas welding equipment, it can lead to unstable and damaged stacks. Therefore, the only way to handle it is to replace it or get it repaired by a professional aviation welding company.

What To Do If Your Aircraft Exhaust System Has Problems?

If you think that your aircraft's air exhaust system is having some issues, call a professional aircraft inspection company. They will inspect the problem carefully and suggest the most effective solutions. Welding might be a good temporary solution, but it will not be reliable in the long run. In such cases, it is better to replace the entire exhaust system. You can find some high-quality aircraft-related products here.

Avoid any zinc-plated or galvanized tools, and use lead pencils when inspecting and repairing the aircrafts exhaust system. The stainless steel can absorb zinc and lead, causing leaks that can lead to failure. Furthermore, all inspections and checks must be done following the recommendations of the exhaust system and the aircraft's manufacturer. Moreover, pre-flight inspections should be conducted every time.

About Acorn Welding

Acorn Welding is an expert aircraft inspection and maintenance service provider based in Edmonton, Canada. With our professionals experienced in repairing single, twin, turbocharged, radial, and turbine aircraft exhaust systems, we'll have you back in the air in no time. Contact us here for more information.