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March 31, 2022

As an aircraft enthusiast, you might regard the engine as the most crucial and deserving component of your cherished aircraft. However, you can never thank the aircraft’s exhaust system enough for the torture it endures while ensuring proper engine functioning and a safe flight for you. While you sit in the comfort of your aircraft’s cockpit, the exhaust system unwaveringly withstands extreme temperatures and corrosive gases and stops them from finding their way towards the engine or the cabin.

Hence, your aircraft exhaust system deserves utmost praise and appreciation for the hard work it carries out. Had it not been for a properly functioning modern exhaust system, fire incidents and carbon monoxide poisoning would be inevitable in planes due to the presence of highly flammable fuels and gases. However, due to the extreme pressure and temperature an exhaust system is exposed to, you must ensure it is kept in suitable condition and will still provide the required safety for your flight.

Yes, even though an aircraft exhaust system is constructed from materials that can withstand the cruelty mentioned above, over time, the system will become susceptible to deterioration and wear and tear.

In light of the sensitivity of the topic at hand, we shall use this blog to systematically explain the importance of regular inspection of an aircraft’s exhaust system and its related aspects.

How Does An Aircraft Exhaust System Work?

You might have an idea of what an exhaust system does for your vehicle. However, an aircraft exhaust system is not as simple as the former. Right from the start of the flight, this system’s components heat up to temperatures of about 1600 Fahrenheit and work hard to vent out dangerous gases and ensure optimum engine performance. It also indirectly provides heat to the cabin and carburettor while reducing the annoyingly loud noises.

However, these incredible technical marvels often fail to do their jobs when they are not adequately cared for. The latter may result in numerous unpleasant hardships.

Dangers Of A Failing Aircraft Exhaust System

Given the cruelty your exhaust system endures, the list of potential problems it may undergo is endless. If not catered to, these issues may result in detrimental consequences. Hence, we advise you to have your aircraft exhaust system inspected by a professional company regularly. If the need arises, replace the former with a premium quality new exhaust system.

Below are just a few of the dangers of a failing aircraft exhaust system:

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A significant number of plane crash incidents are often linked to carbon monoxide poisoning of the pilot and the passengers on board. As a case study of the Australian Sydney Seaplanes aircraft crash of 31 December 2017 shows. During a forensic examination of the pilot’s blood, the investigators discovered that the pilot’s body system contained a considerable amount of carbon monoxide.

Theoretically, the plane crashed because the pilot lost consciousness from the poisoning. The question is, why did CO poisoning occur? Well, the simple answer is because of a malfunctioning exhaust system whose primary duty was to divert CO away from the cabin.

Abrupt Fires

Due to the constant pressure and vibration, an exhaust system is subjected to, its components begin to thin. In the end, these components crack or completely break. When these cracks or openings become huge enough, the odds that the blow torch producing gases will point at something vulnerable and flammable like a fuel line increase. The end result is an abrupt life-threatening fire.

Poor Engine Performance

Out of sight, out of mind.

The latter explains the major problem with exhaust systems. Unlike other aircraft components whose damage is clearly visible, it is hard to understand what is happening inside the exhaust system. If an internal component such as a muffler breaks off, it will block the flow of gases in the exhaust. As a result of the heightened exhaust backpressure, the cylinders are unable to properly scrape combustion by-products out via the exhaust valve. Consequently, the aircraft’s engine significantly loses its strength which results in reduced efficiency.

Engine Failure

Although the story rarely ends at the loss of engine performance. The abovementioned events actually pave the way for a bigger and more fatal problem. Due to the increased pressure and loss of power, an engine may be unable to hold the altitude and is likely to even fail in midair.

Evidently, the importance of regular exhaust system inspection can not be emphasized enough.

About Acorn Welding

Whether you are looking for a new aircraft exhaust system or just need to repair your old engine mount, look no further than the largest aircraft component repair and replacement company. Acorn Welding’s innovative approach and devotion towards optimum customer satisfaction make it stand out in the aviation industry. Contact us now to learn more.